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Jennifer Churchill


Jennifer is an ardent fan of the A.P. Stylebook. Her writing, editing and proofreading skills are exceptional, and she is equally capable of using her knowledge of graphic design software, such as Adobe InDesign, to transfer written content into professionally designed reports, brochures and other printed materials. All of these skills allowed her to pursue a unique creative outlet several years ago by publishing a local woman’s magazine (Ionia-Montcalm Magazine), which was successful enough to be acquired by a local media company in 2007. She has extensive training in crisis and risk communications through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, and has served as a local crisis communications trainer and guest speaker at many health-care organizations in Michigan.

"The most important thing I’ve learned in my many years in the industry is that a good story is what really promotes an organization, whether it’s told in print publications, online, by word of mouth, on blogs, or in social media," said Jennifer. "That’s really what marketing and public relations are at their core – strategic, skilled storytelling."

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